We got it! Now let’s get with it!







2001…it sounds like a long way off, but…as the old song goes, “It’s Later Than You Think.”


            As you have read elsewhere in this issue, our Rocky Mountain Region has been selected to host the Cadillac-LaSalle Grand National for the year 2001. Those of you who have attended Grand Nationals know what a glorious experience it is just to be there. Those of you who have not been should try to attend at least one between now and then.


The 1998 is in Long Island, N.Y., 1999 is in San Jose, Calif., and 2000 in Providence, R.I. Surely you can plan a vacation around at least one of these. Although Phyllis and I have made a few of them, we regret every one that we have missed.


Tim has asked me to talk about Grand Nationals this month and some opinions as to what we need to do to prepare for our hosting. This could take up all of at least 12 newsletters, so far in this particular issue, we will talk primarily about what we enjoyed most.


First of all, the thrill from seeing so many of our favorite cars, from not only all parts of this great country, but even some foreign countries, I can guarantee that you will see some models you have never seen before.


You will also meet people from all walks of life and areas. All will have a common bond in our interests and love of these old (and newer) LaSalles and Cadillacs. Most of them will have experienced very similar trials, tribulations, experienced, joys, sorrows and failure that you have over the years with our cars. You may have serious problems that they have simple solutions for and vice versa. Everybody becomes part of one big happy family. Personally, I found that the world’s finest people either own a LaSalle or wish they did.


The tours were always great and varied. There were local interests for sightseeing and local color where we learned there was more history in Boston than just a Tea Party and Seattle was home to more than the Seahawks and the Space Needle. Also, there is much more to Carson City, Nev., than just casinos. Just think how much we can show them in our beautiful Rocky Mountain area.


The private collections and garage tours have always been fascinating and surprising. We should do very well in this area, too.


The training seminars are always very helpful. They are not only hosted and conducted by local people, but from nationally-known individuals and corporations.


There are usually many diverse activities for both genders to provide interesting times for spouses that just tolerate old cars to keep peace in the family.


The vendors that come in to show their wares and treasures are unique from what you normally find at swap meets and flea markets, due to the fact that all of them will be vending and showing items of interest to LaSalle and Cadillac owners and lovers.


We would be remiss not to mention the fine dining that is always made available like the excellent martinis in Seattle or the lobster in Boston or the barbecue in Carson City. We could offer our Rocky Mountain oysters to unsuspecting Easterners.


Our national board member, Dave Gloss, has been very busy getting things lined up to help us make this a Grand National that the CLC around the world will never forget—you know, somewhat like the Broncos winning the Super Bowl.


To do this, we will need a little help from a lot of members and now is the time to decide what you can do to help. We will be getting help from other regions that will be most welcome, but we will be expected to do most of the hosting. I am sure each of you can volunteer early for certain responsibilities—let us know and start planning early. A few examples of jobs needed to be filled that we need to get on are such things as registration and greeting hosts, tour coordinators and guides, transportation liaisons and escorts to pick up people at the airport.


Swap meet vendor managers, seminar planners, traffic and laying out the car show itself as well as judges. We will need help on vehicle security and credential verification. Some of you may want to host a member or two from another Region…this can be very rewarding.


We will need someone to coordinate mechanical help for problems that arise; also to have someone to line up help and materials for cleanup and detailing the cars for show and judging. Of course, we will need a lodging coordinator as well as dining coordinators. If I haven’t mentioned it yet, maybe each of you can come up with something you can do to make this a success.


The first thing we have to do is get the exact dates set so we can clear our individual calendars and make the best of our outstanding Colorado weather—this is an important time for each of us in our active Rocky Mountain Region.


Like I said before, WE GOT IT—NOW LET’S GET WITH IT!


See ya next month.

