

Walt's Work Bench

Many of Walt's articles are here. These articles apply mostly to 1940s and earlier cars. Walt said he didn't know much about "modern iron" but much of this wisdom works for "newer" cars too. Scroll down for the list, in no particular order. You can search for terms using the Google search.  Search results include ads, sorry about that!

It was a real gas What's in a name KISS your old car
Keep your car flushed Whoa Thar How hot can it get
Keep rust out of tank Fuel pump rebuilding Are You Exhausted
Fuel pump maint Take a look at your shorts Whats it Worth
Inside Outside Tool Box Time Is your garage too
I know what I need But that's another story Gimme a brake
Forever LaSalles Memories Mourning break
Tune em up Tick tock Are you getting old
Who ya gonna call Getting down and dirty The myth and the
A different point How do I love thee Auth or Eff 1
We got it Have you had break-in Auth or Eff 2
Play me a good tune Other heroes of 1944 Do you own time mach
Restoring your flathead 1 Have a blast Hot damn hot start
Restoring your flathead 2 Getting into harness Are you being fueled
Restoring your flathead 3 Here come da judge Are you listening
Restoring your flathead 4 Do you believe it Changing of the seasons
Restoring your flathead 5 Why I like Ike Hey buddy spare part
Restoring your flathead 6 Auxiliary fuel pumps Attitudes about altitude
Restoring your flathead 7 Getting in on a ground floor Having an exhausting day
Restoring your flathead 8 Variation in transportation Giving thanks
Do you toot New car yippie A taste of humble
Who gives a toot A break in time Lets take a trip
Rocky Mountain High Right place right time Designing your own garage